Ethnicity & Race Within the Women’s Movement


Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw illustrated it best when she coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989; every individual holds their own set of social identities that overlap and intersect with one another. Each identity carries with it its own weight of privileges or oppressions, and the points of combination at which these identities intersect result in a unique experience within and perception of society. Women of color are situated at (at least) one very powerful intersection: race and gender. As long as there has been a struggle for “women’s” rights, a movement considerably dominated by white women a movement dominated by white women in classrooms, textbooks and media representations, there has been an even greater struggle for the rights of women of color. We put this playlist together to highlight just some of the women of color who took action in the face of unparalleled obstacles to fight for intersectional justice.


Chisholm ‘72: Unbough And Unbossed

Directed by Shola Lynch
2004, Documentary Feature

She made history as the first black woman elected to U.S. Congress in 1968. But in 1972, Shirley Chisholm shocked the world by campaigning for President of the United States with unbridled energy, drive, and vision.


American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs

Directed by Grace Lee
2013, Documentary Feature

An unexpected figure of the Civil Rights Movement, Chinese-American activist and philosopher Grace Lee Boggs worked her whole life to promote radical change for communities of color. She was utterly relentless all the way through her 100 years on this earth.


Club Native

Directed by Tracey Deer
2008, Documentary Feature

Many members of native cultures are deeply rooted to certain areas of land and earth; so who gets to claim these areas, and who cannot? Who belongs? Tracey Deer explores these questions of territory, love, and environmental preservation within her own Mohawk culture.

World Cat

Free Angela And All Political Prisoners

Directed by Shola Lynch
2012, Documentary Feature

A communist, a Black Panther, and a radical feminist-- Angela Davis led a life that made the U.S. government extremely nervous, to say the least. After being associated with a deadly kidnapping scheme, Davis wound up on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list. Her arrest sparked a national uprising in support for her release.
