
The female body’s ability to produce is infinitely powerful, and this power has long been exploited and reined in by those who seek to limit women’s advancement. Fathers, husbands, and governments all had final say as to how and when a woman could have sex, give birth, and gestate. While strides are continuously made in the field of reproductive rights--through technological, legal, and ideological advancements--conflict still persists. Population numbers keep going up. Poverty rates are on the rise. Climate change will impact women’s ability to support children. The federal law Roe vs. Wade is in jeopardy. And we have yet to reach full freedom of choice for women everywhere. We hope these films demonstrate a multi-sided struggle for full bodily autonomy: people everywhere deserve health, options, and happiness when it comes to their physical well being.


(2017, Documentary Feature)

DIRECTOR: Ramona S. Diaz
PRODUCER: Ramona S. Diaz & Rey Cuerdo

Manila, Philippines is home to one of the most bustling and crowded maternity wards in the world. This film takes a look into this critical health process--hospital-based childbirth-- in one of the most populous countries in the world. The result is chaotic, stunning, and unflinchingly human.



(2008, Documentary Feature)

DIRECTOR: Abby Epstein
PRODUCER: Ricki Lake, Amy Slotnick, Paulo Netto, & Abby Epstein

Hospitals are money-making institutions, that often put profits ahead of mothers’ interests. Ricki Lake embarks on a newfound mission to educate future mothers about their birthing options and hold the medical system accountable for its for-profit birthing practices.



(2012, Documentary Feature)

DIRECTOR: Mary Wigmore & Sara Lamm
PRODUCER: Mary Wigmore, Sara Lamm, Zachary Mortensen & Kate Roughan

The deep tradition of midwifery is a naturalistic choice for childbirth that many women today never even consider. But the women of The Farm, a hippie commune, advocate for and provide these services to many women seeking alternative options. These women preach that reproductive health can be a source of strength and empowerment when embraced and celebrated rather than sanitized and demonized.



(2018, Documentary Feature)

DIRECTOR: Ricki Stern & Anne Sundberg

Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in all fifty states as a constitutional right, a major milestone for women across the U.S.. Since the day it was passed, “pro-life” institutions and supporters have been trying to tear it apart. This film explores the controversy over this case, shedding light on the paramount importance of women’s health and reproductive autonomy.



(2014, Documentary Feature)

DIRECTOR: Diana Whitten
PRODUCER: Diana Whitten, Elissa Brown, & Mitchell Block

In the face of anti-abortion laws around the globe, a fearless doctor/sea captain decided to take action. Rebecca Gomperts travels across the globe, providing safe access to abortions on board her ship at sea, out of reach from on-shore abortion restrictions. In her wake, she leaves changed lives, increased women’s health activism, and a lot of angry men.


(2002, Documentary Feature.)

DIRECTOR: Eve Ensler
PRODUCER: Eve Ensler

In order to own our bodies, we cannot be afraid of them. This documentary about a popular performance piece dives into the gross, the silly, and the beautiful aspects of the female body. This film confronts shame in its face, encouraging us to embrace ourselves and love our physical forms.